You are here: 11. Micronet 2.8 Mobile Applications > 11.5. APPLICATIONS Menu > 11.5.2. Applications - Put Away

Applications - Put Away

Micronet Mobile can determine the storage location for particular goods in a warehouse. This can be used to put away stock on arrival at the warehouse.

  1. From the Micronet Mobile Applications main menu, select the APPLICATIONS menu.
  2. Select the Put Away option.

Micronet displays the Put Away Item screen.

  1. Scan the barcode on the inventory item by either pushing the blue button on the front of the device or the blue button on the left.

If you are unable to scan the item, you can tap the inventory no field and enter the item number manually.

Micronet redisplays the Put Away Item screen showing the item description and bin information.


Technical Tip

  • You should synchronise your mobile device regularly so that inventory information is up to date (refer to "General - Sync"). However, if an item cannot be found in the mobile device's local database, the device will automatically connect to the server and download this information.
  • The warehouse is displayed in the top left of the screen. The screen will initially display the current user’s default warehouse (as set in Micronet).
  1. To display information for a different warehouse, tap the warehouse name and select a new warehouse.

You can also display information for all warehouses.

  1. Scroll to the right for additional bin information.

You can view the following information on this screen:






The warehouse name.



The bin number.



The current stock on hand.



The maximum bin capacity.



The picking priority order. The lowest number (e.g. 1) should be given first priority when picking goods.



The receipt priority order. The lowest number (e.g.1) should be given first priority when receiving goods.

  1. You can sort the information displayed by tapping a column title.

For example, the fourth screen below shows the screen sorted by Receipt. You might want to sort by receipt priority when putting away stock so that the preferred receipt location is shown at the top of the list.


  1. You can view additional information about the inventory item by selecting Details on the top menu bar.

Micronet displays the Item Details screen.

  1. Scroll down to display the supplier details.
  2. Optionally, you can: